Thursday, March 15, 2007

Aha! Moments

Aha moments. We all have them.

Those times when things just click and life is good. Those times when we conceptualize something in a new way that brings greater understanding. Those times when we discover something that we didn't know existed that makes our lives easier.
You know what I mean. You've had them too.
One of my recent "Aha moments" is the realization that I LOVE what I am doing because it is what I am meant to do. All roads lead to this time in my life where I find I can positively impact change in classrooms and help promote success for students. I believe that all students want to learn, that we are all curious by nature. The best education practices build upon student knowledge in a way that is engaging and inspiring. Tapping into those innate qualities is easier than ever due to the proliferation of online resources. The number and quality of free, online and interactive resources available is truly remarkable. There has never been a better time to be an educator.
It is gratifying to be in a position to educate others about the tools that support students in their acquisition of knowledge. It is gratifying to be connected to others through the power of Web 2.0 and to be able to collaborate with and learn from others who are innovators in our field. The education profession benefits from these connections and collaborations. I benefit from these connections and collaborations. This chapter of my life has challenged me to challenge assumptions and stretch my own thinking and share that information whenever I provide professional development.

We are all in process. We are all lifelong learners. And that's a great place to be.
Ah..... life is good!

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