Google Earth now offers a 3D virtual tour of Disney World in Florida. It's possible to explore four of the Disney theme parks and some of the hotels as well.
Why is this significant?
Now it's possible to preview Disney World with students who benefit from previewing. For some kids, the ability to preview helps promote positive behaviors and helps ease transitions. Kids on the Autism Spectrum or kids with cognitive disabilities may benefit from preparation beforehand. And exploring Disney World virtually may help families anticipate challenges or strategize their visit to make the experience pleasurable for all.
Share this information with your student's families so they can explore this feature especially if they are planning a Disney trip in the near future.
What do you think? Do you think this is a feature that can benefit families?
I think it is a great feature! I also think it would be good so you can plan a spot to meet if you get separated from each other. Then you can see the spot again when you get there. I have to admit that my husband and I plan a spot at places like this just in case we get separated. It is good to have a plan ahead of time for behavior management, emergencies, etc. Being able to see this actually makes the unknown less scary. This would help you enjoy the time better and take away the more anxious moments.
Absolutely a great tool! I've seen so many parents walking around the parks with their noses glued to their park maps while the children's frustration levels build when they can't find the teacup ride. A good planning tool. Kids can get an idea of what to expect on the day they arrive at the park.
What a great idea - to determine a spot, ahead of time, if you get separated. The ability to visualize that is now possible.
Thanks for stopping by and confirming what I've written - since you live and practice in Florida.
BTW, keep up the great work on your blog. It's filled with information and you can direct your colleagues and parents to it as a resource.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post. I am returning the visit and was intrigued with this post in particular. Yesterday, our students completed 2 months of co -blogging with a school in New England by using skype to videoconference with each other. Students all brought something in to show each other. So we had vegemite, native bird, toy koala, meat pie with sauce etc and one of the US students had a souveneir from Disneyworld. We really only hear of Disneyland in Australia. It just seems uncanny that I have just viewed online a souveneir from Disneyworld and then read your post about google. I will get my students to look a the google application on Monday.
I think this will be very beneficial for school kids and people who would like to plan their Disney World vacation.
Good for students! Thanks for your help..
This concept is absolutely wonderful! Just complement it with pics of children posing with their favorite life-size Disney Characters and - bingo - preparation for an ASD tourist!
good blog
i found this subject is very use full
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