Monday, March 19, 2007

First Person Accounts

Those of you who subscribe to my blog know my passion for removing the obstacles to learning for struggling learners. Recently, I posted links to a website that helps to simulate what it is like to have a learning disability.
Now, here are some links to first person accounts on LDOnline from individuals with learning disabilities:

Learning Disabilities - A Judge's Perspective
"I'm Not Lazy, I'm Not Stupid, I'm Dyslexic..." - by Henry Winkler, actor
The Good Kid - struggling with undiagnosed learning disabilities
Turning Differences into Advantages - written by the CEO and chairman of Ford Credit

Link here to access all of the stories.

Some will bring tears to your eyes, many will inspire you. But, more importantly, you will gain a better understanding of what life is like for those with learning style differences.
Learning differently doesn't mean unable to learn. It just challenges those of us who are educators to teach differently as well.

"If they can't learn the way we teach, then teach the way they learn." (author unknown)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the links. I'm sending them to my teachers so that they can have a look and I am going to include a link to your blog so they can view some of the other things you have. Great work!!