
Monday, December 08, 2008

When Your Students Love Stories but Hate Reading

Struggling readers miss out on a great deal.

They miss out on opportunities to:

1. Imagine
2. Increase their vocabulary
3. Explore new worlds
4. Expand their knowledge
6. Develop a love for reading

That's a lot to give up. And research suggests that students who miss out on reading are adversely impacted across all curriculum areas.

Enter Story Nory, free audio stories for kids, captivatingly read by Natasha. Every week a new story is added, available at the website. From the site:
Listening to audio stories helps develop attention and imagination. It stimulates a love of words and books. But above all, it's superb form of entertainment.
The quality is excellent, engaging and enchanting.

Add it to your iGoogle home page, subscribe using your typical reader. Or, go to the iTunes store, click Podcasts > Kids and Family > Story Nory and then click subscribe so you never miss a new addition. Check it out. Your kids will thank you.


  1. The big project in the course I taught this fall was the creation of digital "talking books" - and trying them out with real students.

    Wow, it was great. I'll post about it soon.

    But this is one of those great resources. Thanks, as always.

    - Ira

  2. Nice find, Karen. Thanks for sharing it.
