
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twitter Love

You've heard about Twitter but still wonder, "What's the point? Why do I care what others are doing?"

This Twitter Love Song explains the point better than I ever could. Twitter provides instant access to the collective wisdom of my professional learning network. I never leave home without it.

Thanks to Angela Maiers, a member of my PLN for sharing this Youtube video. Her post shares additional Twitter resources that you may want to explore.


  1. Hey Karen. I was reminded today that you were my first follow on Twitter in response to your encouragement to check it out. I didn't have to use to remember!

    Thanks for this and for all your blog posts. Thanks especially for your passionate evangelism on behalf of UDL! You are making a difference in countless untold ways. We never know where the ripples will get to when we throw our pebbles into the ocean.

    All the best in 2009! --Paul

  2. Seasons Greetings Karen!!! And thank you for the reminder about Twitter - new to me this fall - now if only I can find that password too.........k


  3. Karen-I am so honored to be apart of your PLN. This is why I am so passionate about Twitter-there are so many amazing connections to be made. The learning is endless!

    Happy Holidays, friends!
