It's a great afternoon to watch a few videos to inspire you for the new week:
First, watch a five minute quickie, "School 2.0: Creating the Schools we Need." by one of the most innovative education administrators of our time, Chris Lehmann, principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philly. He doesn't just talk the talk:
If you are curious to know what sign should NOT be in our schools, you can see the slide deck here at
Next, if you haven't already seen Sir Ken Robinson's "Do Schools Kill Creativity," this too is a must view.
And, finally, in anticipation of the third annual free K-12 Online Conference, watch these two teasers that connect to working with struggling learners. The first one is a VoiceThread entitled, "Changing Disabilities into Possibilities." The second one is a TeacherTube Video called, "Free Tools for Universal Design for Learning in Literacy."
All you need is the popcorn.
Truly inspirational and a fund of information - thank you!!!!!