
Monday, August 11, 2008

Next/Generation UDL

I am forever on the search for thinking outside the box teaching that captures the best instructional methods to engage ALL learners. It is critical to share methods that detail a "whatever it takes" approach to teaching.

Dan Meyer (tag line -"Working hard to make it look easy") has created a summer video series that explains his approach to teaching. This post. the next/gen lecturer, details methods that help him rely less on textbooks (which present obstacles to learning for those who have print disabilities) and more on UDL strategies for student success.

And that's what it's always about.

dy/av : 002 : the next-gen lecturer from Dan Meyer on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Karen:

    I just used Dan's video with several groups of teachers that I am working with on a math grant. Very powerful stuff!


  2. I like that Dan was honest in his video that he had made mistakes (and learned from them) as well as that we all don't get it the first year of teaching or several years of teaching. He got that "a ha" moment. He can think outside the box and by using this one tool, the projector, he engaged and started conversation within his class and his students responded. He can look outside the classroom and is always looking for that teachable moment to photograph and bring to his class. A great video to share with other teachers. Thanks for sharing.
