Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I Learned on Twitter This Morning

In the span of one hour, I learned:
I also learned, once again, that Twitter provides the best free professional development for me as an educator. All this was all before 9:00 AM! What did you learn this morning?


Your Therapy Source Inc said...

I learned:
5 Back to School Must Haves for Innovative Educators from @Innovative Edu
About Twubs from @balmeras - this is a neat way to follow specific hashtags and related info
That someone is listening @KarenJan when I saw that you learned from us!

That was all in 5 mintues on Twitter this morning.

Anonymous said...

My husband is a professor at a local college just outside of Birmingham and I was hoping to bring some
people to the blog to give there thoughts and opinions on the educational resources I have been
providing (both amateur and professional).
It is (appropriately) named The Top Education Journal. You can visit it by going to
I hope you decide to check it out, so far friends and colleagues have been very supportive. Thank you.