Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Free Text-to-Speech Tool for Word

Kathy mentioned a product that I was unaware of that highlights text as it reads it in Word and that is FREE!

Check out WordTalk which is mentioned at the Open Source Assistive Technology Software website (OATS).

This product has features that I have been looking for in a free product. It works within Word and within OutLook, offers voice flexibility, HIGHLIGHTS words as they are read, and customizes the highlighted color. It also offers a TALKING spell checker and a TALKING thesaurus, two necessities for some of our students. One of the shortcomings of the text-to-speech built into Word is that it doesn't highlight as it reads. This is tremendous that the option IS available in a free product.

Add it to your tool bar and it is always available. Very cool! Thank you, Kathy, for suggesting this.

I will be presenting at MassCUE tomorrow and will definitely mention this free add-in!

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